Time to play King of the Hill, errr Mountain...

As you all know I love epic models with epic poses, and what better representation of Epicness then the truly amazing sculpt of Privateer Press' Mountain King.  I love the Trollblood faction and have always considered them to have some of the most unique sculpts in the Miniature War Gaming World.

So, lets start, shall we?

First lets talk about how I've been priming my models lately.  I've recently decided to break each model down into three viewing priorities, lets call them first, second and third for now.  I want to direct the viewer's eye to certain areas of the model, in a certain order.  I attempt to achieve this by using the different color primers to help me distinguish what areas are what (ie, first, second and third)

I want the viewer to view the Mountain Kings head, raised right arm, mountainous back and left fist first - followed by the troll's chest, belly and upper legs, and lastly the base of the legs, the shoulders/feet.

First we're going to prime the model.  We start by painting the whole thing black (I know, I'm again going against my 'I hate to prime black' statement, but I need it for the light outline), then proceed to build our 2nd level outline by adding grey to the areas I want the viewer to notice second, then lastly, prime the head, two fists, right arm and upper back with white.

Now that we've distinguished the levels, lets add some color to the mix.  I want this king to be covered in 'Earthy' tones - not your typical Trollblood blue.  I have plans to paint the Glacier King Icy Blue, and the Sea King Nautical -with lots of greens and vibrant colors, so this earthy pallet with do.

Also, I plan on making the mountainous region of this model look as if it's a 'Mesa' style mountain, ie. the mountains with various colored lines.

I use some Muddy Brown, Red Clay, Goblin Green, Amber and some White to achieve the below fades.

So, I did the Mesa buuutttt - I didn't like it so I'm back to a primed image...hmmmm...let me think a bit more before I continue.

I decided I really didn't like the Sandstone effect I came up with, and truth be told, I added black stripes (thin) to this scheme as well, and though it looked much better, I still wasn't happy.  It was just too busy I think.  Anyway, I decided to start over and here's what I've come up with.

Okay, I'm narrowing in on a finished model, but still have alot of more work!!!


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