Miniature Model Rescue 'A resource for hobbyists interested in miniature wargaming'

It's time to get started by getting a very important thing out of the way...An INTRODUCTION!  So, what is the blog and who should read it?  Well, to answer the first question, this will be a space dedicated to providing resources for those interested (as am I) in the preservation of the miniature war game hobby, by giving tips and techniques on how to:  Save money by purchasing used items; the tools of the restoration trade; tutorials on how to acquire, repair, refurbish, customize and paint your models; plus a gathering of videos demonstrating the process as presented by me.

Now that said, who should read this blog?  Well, anyone really.  If you're interested in the hobby, or just curious about the process behind starting the hobby or techniques used to craft our art, this is the spot for you.  I will present the information as if you have no knowledge of the process or hobby, and thus should always provide an elementary source of information for anyone of any skill level.

I myself started playing and painting miniatures about 4 years ago.  I quite literally fell into a group of miniature war game enthusiasts (whom promptly convinced me to drop everything and give this hobby a try) at a local gaming store.  (Olympic Cards and Comic, owned by Gabi Trautmann, in Lacey Washington. )  I picked up my first starter set of 'Warmachine' (Preferring Menoth) and never looked back.  Since then, my painting skill has grown, as has my knowledge of the expense of the hobby.

My initial intent was the start the hobby strictly to game, and even though I am a rather skilled traditional artist (Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, etc), never gave a thought to the 'conversion/paining' aspect of the hobby.  I clearly remember purchasing several large tubes of $1.00 paint at Wal-Mart, in an effort to cheaply satisfy my compulsion to throw some paint at my fresh models just to have them covered in something other than bare plastic grey or barren metal pewter. Needless to say they were abysmal looking, and even though they were covered in Wal-Mart chalk, I noticed I liked hosting a war-band of painted models vs. not having them painted at all.

I now own several hundred dollars worth of high-end painting supplies, crafting tools, brushes, glues, modeling clays, etc.  I find I enjoy painting the models more than playing, and the prospect of being named 'best painted army' is the trophy I covet at the occasional tournament.  Don't misunderstand, I still absolutely love playing the games I play, and have a very wide spectrum of interests in the genera (ranging from Fantasy, to Sci-Fi to western and steam punk, just to name a few)

So, enough about me and the intent for this blog, lets throw some substance together and get a few posts out there.  First off, lets pick a project!  The general process I will encompass each and every time will be to:  Pick a project off an auction site, purchase the item (more than likely in ill-repair), refurbish and convert/customize the models, and lastly paint and base them for play!  Heck, I might even toss in a battle report showcasing the models!  With those projects I don't intend to keep for personal use, I'll elect to list them for sale  on the auction site I purchased them from, so you and many others may enjoy the prospect of owning something you saw take birth from the ground up.

See you soon with project #1



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