AoS Aelves - Actually, the newly released Elves from the Starter Set

So, GW threw a new box art on an old boxed set and called it something grand.  They also presented it as the new release starter for age of Sigmar, including the High Elves (or Aelves I think they are called now) and the Skaven.  It's an amazing kit for the price, and since I have 3...yes, count em, 3 of the old sets laying around, I thought I'd paint some up.

I started by priming the elves (old naming habits die hard) with a run of the mill silver primer.  I followed this up with a black wash, just to give them some depth.  You'll also notice that I put them on the old square bases for painting purposes, but when they're finished they'll be on the new round suckers.

So, lets begin...I used bone white to paint the robe trim, sleeves, and eventually the hair (which will be blond in the end, trust me.)  I then mixed some Vallejo Midnight Blue and Magic blue, at a 4 to 1 ratio, and painted the tufts, armor trim, and sword handles blue.  Flesh was done using P3 Midland Flesh-tone and GW Balthazar Gold for the thigh pieces and detail.

Highlights to the blue were done using Magic Blue out of the bottle, while the white was done using Ivory.  Gold was highlighted using Liberator Gold, and the silver with,  you guessed it...Silver.

Next come the bases and final highlights.  See you soon!!!

Update 01/19/2017

Okay - All based and done.  Here they are!


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