Big, Dumb and...AWESOME!

So, Summer is now officially over in Washington State, and since the sun no longer comes out for long it's time to break out the brushes.

I found myself with some extra time on my hands Friday, so I started painting some Ogres for an Age of Sigmar Army.  I had purchased 10 Ironguts off Ebay awhile back, which came assembled and primed...Ugh...Black.  So, lets see how this little project went.

First I applied some of my old favorite Gray Vallejo Primer over the crap-tastic black, then started tossing in my base colors. I shaded the skin tones by using 'Dark Flesh' and gradually increased the highlights by adding a few drops of 'Pale Flesh' to my Airbrush bowl after every pass.  A total of 3 passes were made.

Next I slapped on some base colors, pants; armor; weapons; boots, etc.

After the base colors were added I used a quick watered down brown wash to the Copper areas, and a the same for the silver, only in Black.

With the wash dry it was time to start on highlights.  I used pure 'Pale Flesh' to add some brightness to the skin areas, especially around the face, shoulders and hands.  The Boots, which were painted with Charred Brown, were dry brushed with Army Painter Desert Yellow, then washed again with Army Painter Soft Brown Wash.

Patina was added to the Copper areas, and highlights to the Silver were done with Vallejo 'Silver', mixed at a 4 to 1 radio with 'Wolf Gray'.

Lastly, I based and Flocked the minis, and here is the final product!


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