Model Assembly, and why I dread it!

As I stated in a prior post, I CAN'T STAND putting together models.  It's just and exacting.  I dislike having to take all the little pieces off the sprue, clip off the excess, glue the pieces together, fill the gaps with green stuff, arrggghhh. 

Okay, I've vented and feel better.  Now, a little update.  This is my first real attempt at putting some green stuff on a model to 'heal' the mold deficiencies, in a very very long time.  I've even decided to do some sculpting (minor as it may be) and added some fur to some of the places on the model that were originally sculpted with bare diseased or battle worn flesh.  I just didn't like the way the sculpt looked with them, and I wanted my beast to be a little less worn and a little more furry.

Here's a pic of the progress so far.


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