Thunder...Thunder...Thundertusk Haooo!

Okay Ladies and Gents,
Come with me on a little experiment.  We will be finishing our 'Cool Cat Pattern' theme with a Snow Leopard pattern on our Thundertusk.  I honestly have no idea how this will turn out, but I'm going to stick with it until the end!  After all, if I'm not satisfied with it, that's what they make Green Stuff for right?  Regardless, I wont know unless I have fun, so here we go.

First I primed the model, keeping the main torso, head and upper back parts separate; I'm hoping this will let me have an easier time of painting this monstrosity.   I added some basic cool tone shading using Coal Black from Privateer Press' P3 line of paints.

Next I blocked out the leopard pattern on the body parts and head.  I used basic Black and some Electric Blue, just to get a feel for colors and texture.  Admitedly, at this point it looks very cartoon'y and silly, but it's just a place holder for the top level colors.

I know what you're thinking...YIKES, that's really ugly!  But lets stick with it!
Next we add our top tones and shades.  I begin by highlighting the fur and the spots, using various mixtures of Shadow Grey and Dead White.

The bottom highlights seep through the top layers of highlight to add some contrast.  I like it so far.  Now it's time to add more base colors so I can get a feel for where it's going.

Tonight I'm going to start with a simple wash, some highlights, then start picking out detail for color contrast and overall saturation.  I want this to look like beast used to living in the frozen cold tundra, but I don't want the whole thing to look blue.


Got some washing and metal highlighting done, still need to tackle the leather and wood.  After that it's all the small details, (Oh, I painted the eyes last night...what a time sink.  They're so tiny!)  Then the riders!  Here's some progress pics.

So I decided to add a little black brown wash to the spots on the Thundertusk.  I wanted to take some of the blue out of the general scheme and add some contrast to the model.  It was looking a little too cold for my taste.  Also, I finished all the little details, highlighted the leather and wood, and painted the extra pieces that hang off the hooks (Like a chunk of ribs, a severed hand, a human prisoner, etc)

Here's an update pic.  Next up, the riders!

Okay, these guys are finished.  I really have to say I like how this one turned out.  I pleases me personally!  Now I'm going to work on an Aesome base for it, and I'll photobooth the finished model and display it here whenn done.  Enjoy!


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