All Hail The Warlord!

So our conversion, as promised, is very simple and effective.  The Warlord's equipment options allow him to take a mount.  Of those available, the Bonebreaker (Rat Ogre) is the most attractive to me and allows us to use one of the duplicate 'Warlord' models from the Island of Blood set.

So we began by removing the Helm piece from our Warlord's head and moved the spear tip from his right hand over to his left, thus making a cool looking sword where the axe was.  We took the axe head from the Warlord's left hand and put it on our Rat Ogre, pictured here.  All this was done by cutting and sanding the pieces, then pinning them in place with super glue.

Next we took the flaming torch and flag from our warlords back and set it aside for future projects.  We removed him from his elevated base and perched him on the Ogre's head, pinning him in place and making sure our pose was set so it appears as if our Warlord is stepping on our Ogre's any good Warlord will do.

Next we fire up the airbrush and set to work creating a base coat of brown on the ogre.  We used one of our new Badger airbrush colors, 'Saddle Brown'.  We then added some highlights using 'Jaundice'.  Our final highlight we created using 'Human Flesh', which we applied to the muscles and other points we want to draw interest to.  (Like the big hands)  Note:  I the area of the right shoulder was intentionally left dark to facilitate a glow effect around the Warp Stone that sticks out of the Ogre's shoulder.  It's far easier to slow light when you have Dark as a background.

Black is added to the fur areas, and we use 'Gore Red' to paint the Loin Cloth and Robe of the Warlord. 

Now lets work a little on the face.  We're going to use our Skin Tone Shade as a base, then add Parasite Brown for our first highlight.  We also hit the hands, arms and feet.  Adding some Elf Flesh to the mix (2 Parasite Brown to 1 Elf Flesh) we start building highlights.  We increase our mix of Elf Flesh until we're at a 4 Elf Flesh to 1 Parasite brown mix for our final highlight.

You should also note I removed the staff from the Warlord's right hand.  We'll be crafting a simple 'Harness and Tether' using a rubber band, then connect it to the Ogre with some wire we shape into a chain.  This will give the appearance of the Warlord riding the Ogre like a horse.

We finish the night's work by painting the bandages on the Ogre's legs and arm with 'Bone White' from Army Painter.

Until next time,



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