Plague and Pestilence..The New Green

Okay, so maybe green has always been associated with Plague and Pestilence, but hey, why break with tradition!  So, we finished highlighting the massive Rat Pack and we're ready to jump into airbrushing our weapons, banners, and a touch of OSL (Object Source Lighting) here and there, just to add a flare.  I had several pics of the process saved for you all, but guess who hit the 'trashcan' button, instead of the 'dropbox' button, when he was uploading the photos?!?!  Yup...This guy!

Anyway, here are a couple pics of our finished weapon airbrush fun.  Again, we wanted to add some contrast and I think we achieved our goal.  Tell me what you think:  Too much?  Too little?  Just right?  (I feel like one of the three bears).

Next we'll base these bad boys and then start on our Warlord!

Fear the GREEN!

Just think, only 100 more to go!  yea...
Until next time,



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