Some of my Work

 So, before we get started lets take a look at one of my past projects.  Now, to be fair, this is a project that sat on a shelf for over a year, and had initially been purchased off the auction site 'Ebay' in a near 'New' condition.  It needed no refurbishing and all the pieces were complete, and I only present it here to show the level of detail I will be putting into our future projects.

For our first project I have located some 'Skaven' models for the game 'Warhammer Fantasy'.  Warhammer is currently in it's 8th edition of rule set, and has some very artistic models to choose from.  It is also one of the new games I have set my eye on learning.  (Thanks alot Ash from I needed *another* game! )  (well...really, I did hehe)

I get side tracked so easy...anyway, the picture to the right is of the finished model, which is a Hordes Trollbloods 'Axer'  (very original name..pfftt) and is published by Privateer Press.  


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