Weapon Teams - Final Touches

Our weapons teams have been completed, and just an hour before our first ever real game.  I took them, and their rat brethren, to the Olympic Cards and Comic in Olympia WA, to throw down against our Dwarven enemies, lead by an extremely nice man named Gary. 

More about that later, for now lets go over what we did to complete our little teams (minus basing of course, which we'll do in batch after our horde is complete)  First off basic Black was used on the hoses to add the dark for our highlights.  Next I again fired up the old airbrush and loaded it with Vallejo 'Livery Green'.  I added the color to the hoses, the poison globes, and the small round projection of the globe bearer's backpack. 

I added several 'dots' of white using 'Menoth White Highlight', thinned into a wash, to the freshly highlight areas, to provide an extreme highlight.  I also used the wash to as sparks of light to the green hose of the Warpfire team. 

Instead of airbrushing the smoke plume of poison gas, coming from the Warpfire team, I decided to wet blend the effect using our previous Badger Airbrush color scheme.  The paint seemed to dry slower, (maybe it's just my imagination), and blended very nicely.

Lastly, Vallejo 'Desert Yellow' was used to paint the rodent teeth.  

So, all said and done I'm still not sure which I like best.   I think if I were doing a serious piece, where time was not an issue, I'd use a combination of the two methods, but as for speed and result, I'll have to give it to the airbrush. 

Here is a photo of the two completed teams, again minus basing.

Now, more about the evening's festivities.  I met a great bunch of guys at the OCC, which is typical for that gaming store, and has been the case, at least for me, since I met the guys in my first Dust Tactics and Warmachine groups. 

I was welcomed immediately and made to feel at home by my opponent Gary.  I fielded my Skaven against his Dwarves, and despite losing the deployment roll, managed to win the initiative for first turn. 

We opened by scampering across the field to bring our weapons teams into range, and to get closer to the Dwarf War Group, who elected to Castle.  (No surprise there)  Turn one magic phase was fairly productive, and a casualty or two were taken from the Dwarf Thing's ranks.

He began the round by electing not to move and to start shooting.  He was unlucky enough to roll a misfire with his Grudge Thrower, and even unluckier to have it explode on turn one.  (I thought he was playing Skaven for a second hehe)  Then his missile fire took out a few of my rats in return. 

As the turns progressed we eventually found ourselves in close combat, which started with a disordered charge by my horde of Clan Rats, which managed to tie up two of his units.  We pitched back and forth, fur and bare teeth against stone and shield.  Eventually my rats acted as any good rat should, and decided to run off the table after losing a combat or two. 

Needless to say the Dwarfs were victorious this day, but left the battle field with only their general, a Rune Smith, and I believe 4 other troops in tow.  I survived with two weapons teams intact (yes, the painted ones) and a lone champion from one of my Stormvermine units, who managed to rally with snake-eyes!

Good fun was again had by all and I learned a ton during the game.  Again, thanks to all who welcomed me and showed me kindness and good sportsmanship, it was appreciated.

Until next time,



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